Monday, October 3, 2011

The Night Sky, 3Oct11

I was awake this morning a little after four.  At first that disturbed me a little, until I checked in and realized that not only had I had six and a half hours of deep, sound high-quality sleep, I also felt quite rested and refreshed, so I got up.  And once up, I decided to go outside and look at the night sky.  I have always felt a kinship with the starry night, perhaps it was all those evenings of walking our family dog when I was growing up and we lived on an army base in Germany. 

This morning the moon had just set; the swath of sky immediately above my head was brilliant black and the constellations standing out in vivid contrast.  Venus, morning star, was brighter than moonlight, Cassiopeia, Orion, The Pleiades felt like dear old friends who had come to visit after being away for a while.  I realized in this crystalline moment, I felt inexorably... totally... at One with the All That Is and completely In The Circle.

Do you?  What pulls you In The Circle?  What pulls you out?

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