Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life is but a Dream, 1Sept2011

So, there's this Reader's Digest contest, Give us the 'Reader's Digest version of some event in Your Life, and do it in 150 words or less, and if we pick you (no criteria identified) you can win $25,000.  I thought,"That would be cool.  I wonder what story I could tell from my life that is short, sweet and to the point "(i.e. could be told in 150 words or less).  I let the question simmer overnight and this is what came up.

Everyone has a song.

Several years ago I came to the Arizona desert to study with a Native American.  One of the ceremonies we did at the conclusion of one of the weeks was to sing 'our song' to Grandfather Mountain.  I'm not a singer.  In fact, I'm pretty shy.  I dreaded this activity all week and wondered what song I knew well enough to feel comfortable singing out loud, loudly enough to be heard across the valley.  When it was time for the ceremony, I still didn't know what I was going to sing.  When it was my turn, I got very quiet inside, meditating.  The song that floated up in my consciousness was "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."  I laughed out loud.  What a perfect song for me to sing.  Indeed, Life is but a Dream.

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