Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, 9Jul11

It happens, you know.   David Wilcox has this as one of his primary themes.  Many of the old black spirituals flow from a similar well.  Its the story line of Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker and countless other tales.  I woke up yesterday morning feeling trapped and orphaned.  I also know its not true.  I know I belong.  I really do.  Sometimes I belong even more than I want to.

Still sometimes the feeling arises, and sometimes it persists for a while. Yesterday morning I wrote my prayer partner and asked her to pray for me specifically about this.

In less than ten minutes, I had been contacted by a friend "out of the blue"  I had lost touch with months ago and we reconnected.  It was a small thing, and yet not small at all.


  1. The divide between knowing and believing baffles me, at times. And yes, in those moments if i find the presence to ask, i've been blessed with a reminder that helps me believe what i know to be true.

    love you.

  2. you are still one of the most interesting and fun people I have ever known. When I feel alone, I just go be silent and observe nature and know there is a greater spirit out there and I am far from alone.
